The Faculty of Arts and Sciences prepares students for their post-graduate careers as humane innovators and societal mentors. It is a community of educators, administrators, and students who share the passion for personal and professional growth through discovery and cooperation.
Explore the FacultySaint George University of Beirut Faculty of Medicine (SGUB-FM) offers a four-year program leading to the MD degree as well as, post-graduate medical education (PGME) and training (residency and fellowship) at Saint George Hospital University Medical Center (SGHUMC). Students and trainees will be involved in research across all programs.
Explore the FacultyThe shortage of nurses in Lebanon and the region and the global shortages in nursing faculty and in practicing nurses has led the profession to significant transformations, in light of rapid evolutions in technology, models of healthcare delivery, diverse patient/client population, and the shift toward more patient-centered care. The need for training more nurses is undeniable and the adoption of creative methods is vital.
Explore the FacultyThe SGUB Business Administration degree provides versatility that can be effectively used for acquiring quality employment or pursuing a Master’s degree in Business Administration (M.B.A.). The undergraduate program offers students an internationally recognized education in fundamental and innovative business practices.
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